Accounting & Bookkeeping
While bookkeeping is concerned with the recording of financial transactions, accounting is concerned with the interpretation, analysis, classification, reporting, and summarization of a company’s financial data.
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Bookkeeping and Accounting
Accounting and bookkeeping are not the same thing. Accounting relies heavily on bookkeeping. Accounting encompasses more than just bookkeeping. Accounting includes the design of accounting systems that bookkeepers use to prepare financial statements, audits, cost studies, income-tax returns, and so on.
It also makes accounting information easier to interpret for internal and external users making business decisions. It necessitates the skills and experience of an accountant.
There is a distinction between the terms “bookkeeping” and “accounting.” Let us examine what bookkeeping and accounting are, their processes, and the distinction between the two.
We must adhere to basic accounting concepts and accounting conventions when performing bookkeeping.
- One (Color) Photograph
- Self-attested PAN card & Adhar Card copy
- Self-attested copy of any one of the Identity Proof like Driving License, Passport or Voter ID.
- Self-attested copy of any one of the Address Proof like Bank Pass Book/Bank Statement, Telephone Landline Bill/ Mobile Bill or Electricity Bill.
- For the Company Address proof Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, Mobile Bill or Gas Bill AND Rent Agreement (If Rented) & NOC for doing Business & for taking Registration.
- Documents Verification
- Apply for DSC & Obtain
- Draft Application Ready sent for approval
- Final Application Submitted
- Choose your bookkeeping method
- Set up your general ledger
- Create your business accounts
- Record every financial transaction
- Balance the books
- Prepare financial reports
- Create a bookkeeping schedule
- Store records securely